Meet your coaches...

Kevin started boxing in Memphis at age 12 after he saw the classic movie Rocky. He immediately began training in peoples’ garages, backyards, and anywhere else he could get his hands on a punching bag. In 1981, Kevin met a champion coach in Memphis and learned the “Peek A Boo” style of boxing from the same mentors who trained "Iron" Mike Tyson. He spent the next few years training at the Memphis Fairgrounds and became a steady sparring partner for Kennedy McKinney (the Bantamweight Gold medalist at the 1988 Summer Olympics and the IBF and WBO super bantamweight champion). Kevin continued to train and spar professional and amateur boxers at various gyms, and in 2006 he became certified through the Boxing Institute. In 2013, Kevin decided to branch out with his own style of fitness boxing, and joined the Memphis Judo & Jiu-Jitsu team.


